Re-Emerging Venezia

About This Project

The Covid-19 pandemic, with its consequent lockdowns, has marked everything as a “before” and an “after”, which have now become part of common language, imagination, and above all, shared experience. But what remains of this practically unprecedented and disorienting experience for humanity today? What lingering effects has such a disruptive event left in our lives? From these and other questions arises Re-Emerging, a multidisciplinary observatory composed of female photographers, environmental scientists, communication experts, creative sound and image producers, along with a computer engineer and CORILA – Consortium for the Coordination of Research Activities Concerning the Venice Lagoon System. A diverse and international collective that, drawing on its professional skills and personal experiences, aims to document and raise awareness of the effects of the lockdown on the community and the Venetian lagoon, transmitting a message of hope and resilience.

The observatory translates into an immersive and interactive exhibition in its first phase, from March 1st to 15th at the Procuratie Vecchie in Piazza San Marco, Venice. On display are photographic shots taken during the first and second lockdowns by Gaby Wagner, Sophie Fauchier, and Val Masferrer-Oliveira. Enriching the artistic aspect is the scientific contribution of Alice Stocco, an ecologist and environmental biologist, and Silvia Rova, a marine biologist, both researchers at the University of Ca’ Foscari, who conducted a citizen science survey during the first lockdown. A blend of art and science to activate memory, involving the audience firsthand, inviting them to leave their own memories of the lockdown, whether they be photos or texts, on the exhibition’s website

Re- Emerging Venezia Beyond Lockdown

Mostra fotografica


01.03 > 15.03.2024


Procuratie Vecchie 139/153
Piazza S.Marco - Venezia

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